Posted by: Jess | June 28, 2011

Warriors Workout + Nut Butter Addict

It’s NO secret that I may, just MAY, have a slight addiction to nut butters…


But what MIGHT be a secret to you is that last night I went to a Warrior’s Workout at my gym! It was a special class because yesterday was member appreciation day. It was described as a 90 minute-long class that incorporated BodyPump, BodyCombat, and BodyFlow. IT ROCKED MY WORLD. I’d never tried BodyCombat before, and now I’m hooked. I have never sweat so much in my life (except for hot yoga!). I’m so glad I ditched my “workout schedule” and went for it.

I split up my dinner (since the class was 6:00-7:30) and ate half a banana + peanut butter & a honey-flavored Greek yogurt before. It stayed with me REALLY well!!

After class, I was MORE THAN ready for some real dinner food…

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turkey meatballs + broccoli + sweet potato + lots & lots of water

Late night snacks have been looking a LOT like this!!


cinnamon toffee almond butter + coconut butter + Jif natural crunchy PB + apple slices

This morning my legs were REALLY feeling it, and I decided to forego the intervals on the elliptical I had planned and opted for an hour long yoga session. Best decision ever! I also completed a shoulders & back workout at the gym.

Post-gym lunch…


lettuce + tuna + turkey + tomatoes + honey mustard + sweet potato

Some exciting news on the FITNESS FRONT…

I can now do 3 x 15 hanging leg raises. Trust me, they are NOT easy. But they are my new favorite abdominal exercises.

A DELICIOUS dinner I had the other night!!


broiled chicken + ketchup + roasted butternut squash fries

That’s all for now, folks! I have a hamstring/calves + abs workout tomorrow A.M. then I’m babysitting tomorrow afternoon. Got to make some money to spend frivolously at Whole Foods, RIGHT?! 

Some giveaways you MUST enter. Oh, wait. I want to win. Don’t.


❤ jess



  1. Awesome eats!! I’m crazy for all of this sweet potato lovin! 🙂 Girl, I’m a huge nut butter addict too, no fridge can be complete without at least 3 jars if you ask me heehee!! 😉

  2. you’re awesome with your nut butter stash! 🙂 i fall in an out of love with nut butter. i was obsessed with nuttzo and sunflower seed butter for awhile but i’ve had the same 1/4 empty jar in my fridge for so long now! i’m afraid to open it! :0

  3. The warrior workout sounds great: it’s strange because I did a Body Combat/Pump back-to-back at my gym last night because I wasn’t feeling another spin class and really enjoyed it. I miss Combat so much (great for getting out aggression/frustration) but can’t do it too often because of my running injuries. It was great to switch up the routine though.

    I’ve never tried Body Flow ~ I wish the gyms where I am did it but I can’t complain as they do every other Les Mills class aside from Vive, Flow and Jam.

  4. Love the PB stash… it’s essential. 😉 And love that night snack! Good luck with the babysitting!

  5. that class sounds like so much fun! I’ve never even done body pump but I want to because I’m suuure that I’ll love it! btw, the leg raise accomplishment is impressive girl, keep up the great work! (oh, and I totally always have to have ketchup with roast chicken!) haha ever since I was a wee little one:)

  6. Hanging leg raises are TOUGH! I don’t thinnk I could do 3×15 (I probably could have when I did gymnastic though haha) That may be a good fitness challenge for me 😉

    I am lovin those fries! YUM 🙂

  7. O my! How do you stay motivated to do all of this?!?!

  8. Heheh, you eat more sweet potatoes than anyone I’ve ever seen! I love them too, though, so I can’t talk. 🙂

    I LOVE (and hate) hanging leg raises! I got a pull-up bar for Christmas (lol, my little brother knows me so well…) and it came with a set of straps that you can hang from to do ab exercises. They are so hard. I wish I had a real captain’s chair like I’ve used at gyms before, so I could have something to press my back against. I tend to arch and try to use my lower back when the going gets tough, and that makes me feel like I’m cheating my abs out of work!

  9. my old roommate in college taught combat. Its tough and awesome!

  10. Nice eats!
    That warrior workout sounds intense!

  11. I’m pretty sure we had that many jars of PB at one point…but I’m finally learning to just keep two or three around!! They truly are addicting.
    The toffee butter sounds intriguing 🙂

  12. I keep reading about body pump but I have never tried it. Once I move I plan on joing a gym that offers it so that I can join the craze!

  13. Ohhh lala! That Warrior workout sounds so amazing! I’d definitely like to try that out sometime ;D I love aaaaaall your eats as always; the broiled chicken and butternut squash combo looks great! And so does that salad ♥
    Congrats on the leg raises, too! Those are HARDDDD! 😀

    Have fun at baby sitting!

  14. whoa that fitness class sounds AWESOME! I wish my gym offered body combat!

    you eats looks amaze. good job refueling those awesome muscles of yours, girlie! ❤

  15. Oh that cinnamon toffee almond butter sounds amazing! I admire you for doing that workout it sounds incredible,

  16. I love body combat. And woman, you can cook! YUM.


  17. that workout class sounds FUN!!

  18. warrior workout sounds awesome!! Seriously I’m that you have a sweet potato in every post. Do you usually do them after your workouts? I hear that’s the best time to eat potatoes but I’m a morning workout person… I mean… I guess I could totally rock the sweet potato at 8am right?! I love your food pics!

  19. Thanks for the linky love of my last giveaway 🙂

    and I love nut butters too! big time!

    and your workouts…WOW girl…you are STRONG!!! awesome job on building all that strength up!

  20. Oh my goodness! You have so many nut butters hahaha. I wish I did 🙂

  21. Your site never lets me leave comments! I’m trying again with a new email.

  22. Ok, last try for a comment! It never seems to work. I think wordpress marked me as a spammer for some reason 😦

    I’m jealous of your nut butters!

  23. Haha, love all those nut butters! It’s good to have options! After all, variety is the spice of life, right?! 🙂

    Have a good weekend!

  24. I am IMPRESSED with your nut butter collection…and a little jealous 🙂

  25. You are a star…not only because you have amazing foods stashed in your kitchen but because you are so strong! Kudos to you!

  26. Your PB stash is looking like a palace compared to mine! Love it!!

    I have missed you! Thank you for your sweet comments you always leave! U are seriously so sweet!

    Have a happy 4th of july love!!!!

  27. July! so soon! AH!

  28. Just sayin’, our nut butter collection is identical!

  29. Hanging leg raises are tough… you rock girl! That warrior class sounds like a blast.

  30. That class sounds so cool!! I I wish my gym offered something like that! And I am loving your nut butter stash! SO jealous!

  31. loveeeeeeeeee pb.

    im a lil jealous of your stash hehe.

    thanks for the giveaway links!

  32. Okay, now I’m hungry! Ha, ha.

  33. Holy nutbutter, I’m jealous of your collection! That warrior workout sounds awesome, I just recently tried Body Pump and am really liking it.
    Your late night snack sounds so yummy!

  34. Your food looks SO good!!
    YAY for Yoga! 🙂

  35. No shame in the nut butter addiction, girlie. I LOVE NUT BUTTER! ❤ ❤ ❤

  36. I’m OBSESSED with bodycombat. I love kicking and punching air for an hour!

  37. Glad you liked the Weekend Warrior class! I’ve never been to one, but I feel confident that it would kick my tooshy. 😉

  38. Wow that class sounds AWESOME!! I wish they had that at my gym!

  39. That class sounds awesome! BodyCombat was one of the first classes I tried, and absolutely adored it. I love the kick ass attitude of it 🙂

  40. i love nut butters also! my favorite would have to be almond!!

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